An Incredible 3 Days at LTE 2024: Learning and Teaching Expo in Hong Kong
How did you prepare for the exhibition?

What was the primary goal of your participation in the exhibition?
The main goal for me and Dechant Music Academy at the exhibition was to promote our main products: online piano courses, books, and pianos. Additionally, we were excited to connect with more customers, partners, and local businesses.
Were there any challenges in organizing your booth or presentation? How did you overcome them?
There were many challenges. Initially, we were a team of just two people working to make the LTE exhibition plan a reality. Things didn’t go as planned when we had issues with our visa while working in Dubai. My companion and I had to return to Hong Kong but had to quickly plan to leave again due to visa restrictions. It wasn’t a difficult problem to solve, but the important thing was to finish the project and have everything running smoothly before December. India was also part of the plan, but we later decided to change our course. My colleague suggested whether we should consider Thailand or Vietnam, and we chose Vietnam. We went to Da Nang and got to work. Despite time running short, we quickly found the right people to help complete the project, and I assembled a talented team who contributed greatly to finishing the booth for the exhibition.

Did you collaborate with anyone (e.g., artists, musicians, or companies) for the exhibition?
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to MTL, one of the companies that helped us significantly in the process of setting up the booth at the exhibition. From booth registration to selection, MTL provided advice and helped us address various issues, which made the booth preparation much faster.Honestly, we have a long-established team of teachers. They are professional musicians with decades of performance experience. We had Eric, an expert drummer, and talented pianists at the booth, who attracted many visitors.
How did you feel on the first day of the exhibition?
It was an overwhelming mix of emotions, but mostly I felt exhausted, a little bit of pressure, and drained of energy. You know, because we had so many things to prepare before the exhibition. My colleague and I had to fly to Hong Kong earlier to get everything ready, while my team in Da Nang was working tirelessly to complete the remaining tasks. There were difficulties like forgetting the script or lack of sleep, but we kept motivating ourselves and managed to get everything done. Dechant Music Academy is one of our most cherished and highly anticipated projects, so we dedicated all our manpower, effort, and money to ensuring everything went as smoothly as possible.

What kind of feedback did you receive from visitors during the exhibition?
During the exhibition, more than 17,000 visitors came to our booth from various age groups, mostly music teachers and students. Most of them gave positive feedback about DMA’s products. Our main products, the online piano course with animated visuals, books, and pianos, received excellent reviews.

Were there any unexpected moments or surprises during the exhibition?

How do you measure the success of your participation in the exhibition?
Were there any lessons you learned from this experience that you’ll apply to future events?
After attending two exhibitions in different cities, I realized that each location offers a unique experience, and each team member’s condition can vary, so it’s hard to say that we can draw clear lessons for future events. Of course, there are areas we will definitely improve on, such as booth selection and location analysis, but mainly based on how quickly the project is completed. For DMA, every exhibition we participate in is a valuable experience, and every event offers us different lessons. What matters most is that we know how to improve ourselves and minimize risks when executing such projects.

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Dechant Music Academy (DMA)
Head Office Hong Kong
3f Wing On Building, 232 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
Registered Court: Inland Revenue Department Wan Chai, Hong Kong
VAT-ID: 55468457
German Warehouse Address
Grosse Str. 42, 49424 Goldenstedt-Lutten
Registered Court: Finanzamt Neukoelln, Thiemannstr. 1 , 12059 Berlin, Germany
USt-Id-Nr: DE356323103
Phone: +49 (0) 162 977 1308
Managing Director
Irina Dechant - CEO & Founder DMA
Vorsitzenderin: Irina Dechant
Hauptsitz Hong Kong
3f Wing On Building, 232 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai
Registriert bei: Inland Revenue Department Wan Chai, Hong Kong
VAT-ID: 55468457
Deutsche Warenhausadresse
Grosse Str. 42, 49424 Goldenstedt-Lutten
Registriert bei: Finanzamt Neukoelln, Thiemannstr. 1 , 12059 Berlin
USt-Id-Nr: DE356323103
Mobile: +49 (0) 162 977 130886