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Frequently most asked questions

Do I Need to Buy the Book for the Online Piano Course?

The online piano course is designed to be fully completed using the digital materials alone. All the lessons, explanations, and exercises are provided through the interactive online platform.

 However, we do recommend purchasing the accompanying book if you would like a physical or digital copy of the content. Having the printed materials can be helpful for reviewing the lessons and practicing the exercises outside of the online environment.

 If the subscription expires, access to the online course materials will also expire. The beauty of the book is that you'll have it for a lifetime, inspiring your piano journey for years to come.

Hardcopy Book or Digital Ebook - What's Your Preference?

When it comes to the format for the piano course materials, you have the option of a physical hardcopy book or a digital ebook. Each has its own advantages, so the choice really comes down to your personal learning style and preferences.

  The hardcopy book provides a more hands-on, tactile experience. You can easily write notes in the margins, highlight key points, and interact with the content in a very direct way. This can be especially beneficial for visual and kinesthetic learners. Plus, the high-quality printed version makes for a wonderful gift, particularly for young students.

  On the other hand, the ebook offers the convenience of having all the course content accessible on your computer, tablet or other device. This can be ideal for those who appreciate the flexibility of digital resources and want to be able to quickly reference the material on the go. Due copyright protection, all ebooks come with a decent watermark in the background. 
Ultimately, you'll want to consider which format will work best for you and your learning needs. Both the hardcopy book and ebook provide the comprehensive materials required to excel in the piano course.

 The key difference is that the book is yours to keep forever, unlike the online subscription which expires when the term ends. 

Can I Cancel if I Don't Like the Course?

You can try out our course packages for free during a trial period. During this trial, you can cancel your enrollment at any time if the course doesn't meet your needs. Once the trial period ends and you complete the sign-up process, you will be committed to the subscription time you signed up for. After that, you can cancel your subscription anytime.

If you don't cancel, the subscription will continue automatically.  If you do cancel during the subscription period, the service will stop at the end of that period.

In summary, you can cancel the subscription anytime, but if you don't cancel during the trial period, you'll be locked in for the full subscription term you selected.